Contact Tracing Investigations Services

CMKA employees and contractors have provided investigation solutions for our clients since 1982. Based on our extensive network and large project management capabilities across the U.S. we can provide high-quality solutions with flexibility and scalability to healthcare organizations across the country.

We can provide both investigations services as well as real-time technology mapping solutions (facility or regional mapping solutions) to allow you to identify spread trends and “hot spots”.

A “contact tracing investigation” is a systematic process to:

  • Identify person(s) (contacts) exposed to cases of infectious (COVID 19) disease
  • Assessment of these contacts for infection (symptoms & timeframe) related to COVID-19 virus
  • Referral for appropriate monitoring, social distancing, quarantine and treatment for contacts with exposure to COVID-19

These investigations will apply COVID contact tracing protocols to following scenarios:

  • Recent contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 but no signs/symptoms
  • Recent contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 with signs/symptoms
  • Someone with signs and symptoms of COVID-19 with no history of ill contacts

The following jurisdiction-specific contract tracing tools and protocols will be included with each investigation:

  • Receiving and assigning cases
  • Documenting calls – Specifics of local processes and data collection
  • Timely delivery of assessments and reports for each investigation
  • Ability to work with non-English speaking contacts
  • Ability to work with hearing-impaired contacts

For more information about how CMKA can assist you please in this important mission please contact us the information below.

Clarence M. Kelley & Associates